Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Jones wrote several pieces for The Masses

Jones wrote several pieces for The Masses


Perhaps the most vibrant and innovative magazine of its day, The Masses was founded in 1911 as an illustrated socialist monthly, and it was soon sponsoring a heady blend of radical politics and modernist aesthetics that earned it the popular sobriquet “the most dangerous magazine in America.” The magazine had three editors during its first two years—Thomas Seltzer, Horatio Winslow, and Piet Vlag (the magazine's founder)—but for the remainder of its short life The Masses was brilliantly edited by Max Eastman, who—with Floyd Dell, as managing editor—helped turn it into the flagship journal of Greenwich Village, the burgeoning bohemian art community in New York...
There are digitized copies of the periodical in a number of repositories, but the version at New York University's Tamiment Library's Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives at New York University, includes an index from which the following is extracted [links added here].
Jones, Ellis O. “Address to Child Laborers by the Honorable Bumptious Uplift” V, 1, p-11 (Oct 1913) 
-. “Casabianca” (poem) IV, 6, p-12 (Mar 1913) 
-. “Direct and Indirect Action” III, 4, p-8 (Apr 1912) 
-. “Getting Next to Mr. Armour” IV, 7, p-17 (Apr 1913) 
-. “God’s Advice” IV, 9, p-12 (Jun 1913) 
-. “Happy Little Scheme” IX, 3, p-40 (Jan 1917) 
-. “Interview” IV, 7, p-16 (Apr 1913) 
-. “Is Annapolis An Anachronism?” IV, 6, p-9 (Mar 1913) 
-. “Journalistic Poise” V, 6, p-20 (Mar 1914) 
-. “Magazines, Morgan, and Muckraking” I, 4, p-10 (Apr 1911) 
-. “Not Satisfactory” IV, 11, p-15 (Aug 1913) 
-. “Poor Pennsylvania!” V, 1, p-19 (Oct 1913) 
-. “Railroads” I, 2, p-16 (Feb 1911) 
-. “S.C.P.W.G.” [Society for Curtailing the Pleasures of Working Girls] IV, 8, p-17 (May 1913) 
-. “Those Two Bad Bills” IV, 9, p-17 (Jun 1913) 
-. “Trick of the Trade” IV, 3, p-9 (Dec 1912)

In 1919, in partnership with the socialist cartoonist Art Young, Ellis O. Jones founded a political humor magazine called Good Morning. The two had worked together for The Masses, and had tired of not being paid for their work. Good Morning didn't last long. After only a few issues, Jones "became critical of the haphazard management of the business" and resigned.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Escape from a mob in Columbus Ohio

In the Akron daily Democrat, September 16, 1901, Page 8, an article appeared, entitled Gone West:
Editor of the Press-Post in Full Flight
Columbus O., Sept. 16 [1901] -(Spl.)-
Clarence Jones, formerly editor of the Press-Post, who said things editorially about McKinley and escaped a mob Saturday night is now speeding West, destination unknown. His brother, Ellis Jones, says Clarence has retired and he (Ellis) will now do the editing for the paper.
You can see this page in Chronicling America at http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028140/1901-09-16/ed-1/seq-8/

What caused all this fuss you may ask? "Intemperate utterances" in the aftermath of the Assassination of William McKinley. The Washington Times, September 15, 1901 has the story:

Police Needed to Escort a Columbus Newspaper Man
COLUMBUS Ohio Sept. 14 [1901]
The police rescued Clarence M. Jones editor and proprietor of the “Press Post”, a Democratic paper of the city from a mob which besieged his office at 6 o’clock this evening and took him to the home of his mother In East Broad Street
Because of intemperate utterances which appeared in three editions of his paper today, and which are insults to the memory of the dead President a mob of several thousand began to assemble In front of the “Press Post” office soon after the third edition appeared on the streets at 4 o clock. Members of the mob grabbed papers from the newsboys and bought as many as they could from newsstands heaped them up in front of the office and made a fire.

While the mob was shouting and threatening outside, the proprietor who was almost alone in the building sat at his desk In fear. Finally he telephoned for police protection and a carriage. Both arrived at about the same time Chief Tyler with thirty policemen forced his way to the building. Between two rows of stalwart policemen, Jones was brought out and while the crowd hooted cursed and hissed he, was put Into the cab and hurriedly driven away.
Jones utterances today were the most inexplicable of his erratic course as editor of what he himself has called “that queer paper”.
Today the principal headline of the noon edition was a vicious paraphrase of the President’s last words. It reads:
“His last words to his loving wife are said to have been these to wit” ‘lt’s the devil’s own way of trying to circumvent God, amen.’”
On the editorial page in bold faced type was this:
“The spirit of William McKinley, twenty-fifth President of the United States of America has flown to Its white house in the the skies. Requiescat in pace. May it never be impelled to wage merciless war on the spirits of innocent Filipino patriots.”
These and more rabid expressions excited comment following the appearance of the noon edition and on their repetition in subsequent editions indignation became widespread with the above result. Before leaving the scene of the disturbance Chief Tyler locked the doors of the “Press Post” building and said to the mob:
“As you can see the building is dark. No one is inside. I give you my word of honor the “Press Post” will not resume publication. It is understood he was authorized to make this promise by Jones.
 I wonder how often newspapers are threatened by mobs any more. "Intemperate utterances" seem pretty common

[With thanks for research assistance to EOJ]

Friday, February 13, 2015

"Good Morning" Magazine


In 1919, in partnership with the socialist cartoonist Art Young, Ellis O. Jones founded a political humor magazine called Good Morning. The two had worked together for The Masses, and had tired of not being paid for their work.
Good Morning was an American political humor magazine published launched in May 1919 by Ellis O. Jones, formerly an associate editor of Life magazine and veteran radical cartoonist Art Young. Both had worked together on the staff of the left wing monthly The Masses. Funded in large part by donations, the magazine was financially troubled from the outset and over time it was forced to decrease in frequency from weekly to semi-monthly to monthly. Costs still continued to outstrip revenues, however, and the publication was terminated in October 1921. An effort by Young to revive the publication in 1922 as the Art Young Quarterly failed after just a single issue.

The short-lived magazine Good Morning began early in 1919 through the joint efforts of 53-year old cartoonist Art Young and a former associate editor of Life magazine, Ellis O. Jones. Young sought a new remunerative venue for his ink drawings and charcoal sketches since The Liberator, the primary magazine for which he drew in this period, was chronically short of funds and able to pay those engaged in the physical production of the magazine but not content contributors such as himself...
About five months after the launch of Good Morning Ellis Jones became critical of the haphazard management of the business and resigned from the magazine. This departure left Art Young is sole possession of the franchise as editor and publisher. A steady stream of expenses took their toll, including the cost of a stenographer, paper, printers, and general office costs. Inadequate attention was paid to the selling of advertisements, which further imperiled the magazine’s cash-flow. Circulation stood at about 4,000 copies per issue during the first year, supplemented by income generated by newsstand sales. Additional funds were raised through a series of banquets and dances...
The magazine never succeeded in becoming financially viable and folded in Autumn 1921

The following issues appeared under Jones' name: